Sunday, November 30, 2008

Home Biz Connection **Newsletter** Nov. 31st

Sarah WorshamCheryl GlueckAndria Smith
Home Biz Connection Network
Building Relationships...Building Your Business

Home Biz Connection Network

Featured Member(s):

Karen McGreevey
Karen McGreevey

If you haven't had the privilege to view any of Karen's writings or blog posts, you are missing out on a very unique talent in creative writing. Her down to earth and personable attitude that is shown in her style of writing keeps your attention and raises your curiosity as to what's coming next.!

A Little About Karen's Business...
Konceptuality, one of the leaders in virtual assistant consulting and administrative support, focuses attention and energy on providing small business owner coaches, speakers, marketers, and those anywhere in between--with affordable editorial and administrative support services..." tually

Be Sure to visit Karen's profile, take a look at how she can help you with your Marketing Needs!
Home Biz Connection Network
Featured Group:

Need Good Resources To Market Your Business...Karen's got them!

Good Day HBC Members!

First, I'd like to take a second and welcome all of our new members!
, I'd like to let you know that you've become part of an awesome group of people from all over the globe who are here to not only expand and grow their own business, but to also assist you. Please take the time to visit, meet and greet some of our members. You will not be disappointed in what you find. Also feel free to share your own experiences and resources! As you can see, you will be recognized...

We have big plans in the upcoming months for our community! Our commitment and focus is and will always be on our members!

There are a few things that you can do to help get the "Ball Rolling", so to speak, that will be shared with you shortly. Right now, just continue to do what you do: stay active in the community! Take a few seconds each day to log-in and see what's happening. If you are a member of some of the other popular networking communities, you can always access them through your HBC page. If there is one that I have not included in this list, please let me know. Just utilizing the HBC community as a median to reach other places you visit each day is something small that can ultimately accomplish big things.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy a great week! I should have another announcement coming by the latter part of the stay tuned!

Thanks for all you do to make:
Home Biz Connection.
What it is!

To Your Success,
Charles Haire
skype: charles.haire1
Home Biz Connection is now offering Banner Advertising! Your Banner will be placed in rotation on the main community page. Click Here For Details or Click on the link directly below the "Tabs" bar on the main page. All revenue generated will go towards site enhancements.

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